Drilio a llenwi

Drilio a llenwi ~ Drilling and filling

“All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff.”
― Carl Sagan

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Es i i'r deintydd heddiw.  Rydw i wedi bod i'r un practis deintyddol fy holl fywyd - wel o leiaf ers roedd dannedd gyda fi, yn y chwe degau. Yr un adeilad, yr un goeden, ond llawer o ddeintyddion gwahanol. Mae rhaid i mi ddweud maen nhw i gyd wedi bod yn dda iawn. Rydw i'n cofio tynnodd un deintydd un o fy nannedd heb i fi sylwi.  Heddiw roedd y deintydd llawer o waith i wneud. Roedd rhaid iddo fe ddrilio dau hen lenwad, ac yna roedd rhaid iddo fe eu llenwi - roedd awr a hanner o waith iddo fe. Yn ffodus roedd y deintydd, a'i gynorthwywraig yn dda iawn, a hyd yn oed gyda cheg yn llawn o bethau, roedden i'n gallu ymlacio. O dro i dro roeddwn i'n drifftio i gysgu.  Mae'n anodd ei chredu ond mae'n wir. Apwyntiad nesa mewn chwe mis.

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I went to the dentist today. I've been to the same dental practice all my life - well at least since I had teeth, in the sixties. Same building, same tree, but many different dentists. I have to say they have all been very good. I remember one dentist pulled one of my teeth without me noticing. Today the dentist had a lot of work to do. He had to drill two old fillings, and then he had to fill them - it was an hour and a half of work for him. Fortunately the dentist and his assistant were very good, and even with a mouth full of things, I was able to relax. From time to time I drifted off to sleep. It's hard to believe but it's true. Next appointment in six months.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adeilad llawdriniaeth deintydd, tŷ yng Ngabalfa
Description (English): Dentist surgery building, house in Gabalfa

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