Off to sea

Definitely a change in the weather - no frost, a dull start to the day with the odd rays of sunshine popping through.

Mrs M and I walked down to the town to find that the fresh fish shop on the pier was still shut - a longer Christmas break than we expected! We had to go further round the back way to buy some rather less fresh fish from M&S.

On the way we saw our 'old' lifeboat, 'Mora Edith MacDonald', setting off somewhere, whether on business or otherwise I don't know. She's my Blip today. 

Coming along Taylor's Brae a very brief - three seconds maybe - shaft of sunlight lit up the Lismore lighthouse. A quick snap for my extra - and then it was gone.

Spent the afternoon clearing up the big pile of leaves which had been waiting for the new brick enclose behind the garage to be finished. A bit neater down by the roadside now. As I came back up to the house there was a hint of drizzle in the air.

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