A Successful Bake

Yesterday's blip was of a bowl of dough, not much thicker than porridge. Today I poured it into the baking tin, left it about three hours to grow by about a third and then baked it.  It has a good and crispy crust, and, unsurprisingly, is moist on the inside, but nowhere near as dense as I expected it would be. Despite no kneading of any kind, and a minimal amount of gluten the crumb structure is good, as you can see here (on flickr).
Jan and I ate about a third of this loaf with our soup this evening. The sourness in the bread was perfect with the paté and strong cheese we also ate.
Definitely one to bake again.
The recipe is here - but he doesn't mention oven temperatures or time! I baked it at 200°C for about 30 minutes with steam, and then another ten minutes with no steam.

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