Stepping Out

An empty calendar day, aside from an expected delivery being delayed by twenty-four hours and thereby arriving too late for fitting tomorrow there’s not a lot planned.
There is of course a lot I could be doing, I have a couple of A5 sheets of dates of meetings and events for the coming year, the list is only going to increase.
More sheets cover the defects on the gigs and equipment at Epic whilst still more list the defects at the rugby club.
I have always understood the saying; “if you want something done ask a busy man” but lately it’s more a case of “if you are doing it I don’t need to”.
Not to worry, everything has a way of working itself out.

Mrs S was on a day off, the ’spring’ cleaning continues and the bits ‘n’ bobs placed outside continue to be taken away. More work scheduled for when the weather improves, I noticed that my repairs to the shed roof have been unsuccessful, there is internal water damage, currently to the roof only, but the roof needs replacing sooner rather than later.

Today’s photo, the Gold Centre car park statues.

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