
By Munroist4113

Beach and bridge

Poor Jenny only slept 4 hours last night (she has tablets but tries not to take them every night) so was very tired and tearful this morning. We had a hug and a cup of tea and decided it would be a good idea to get out for a short walk. By the time we got going the tide was coming in so we had to retreat - blip is looking back to Queensferry Crossing in the sun.

We had a think about how I could be of help while I’m here and plan strategies that might help. She realises she’s taken on too many things to do which is stressful when she’s not getting the sleep/rest she needs. So we went through her diary and she talked over what she has to do, what can be postponed and what she actually wants to do like get her hair re-styled and have a massage. Then I helped her formulate ideas for her President’s letter to her old gels school magazine and she now feels that’s sorted in her head and it won’t be so hard to write. Travel insurance was discussed and bought as her friend with access to a villa in Portugal is taking her there in March. She’s feeling things are becoming more manageable and less overwhelming so has gone for a rest.

I went out for another short walk to the other beach but the sun had gone down and it was very cold.

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