Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pleased with oneself ..

Lurk and make ones young Aunt nervous ... Move in and kiss the top of her head ... Look smug you refrained from roughing her up ;)
A gentle day today ... No drama ... Well except Marley my lodger dog ended up at the vets with a boil that burst and it stank ... He's ok though !!!
So a brief summary ..
Lie in bed ..
Start new book
Lie in bed longer
Read new book longer
Get up
Potter about
Steam clean floors
Lie on bed
Watch The British and Irish lions just about scrape a win against The Wallabies ... Still a win is a win.
Go with Wiggy to Oversley woods and walk dogs ..
Return home
Jake and Zoe here ..
Watch TV
Watching more TV ...
And more ....

Moonchops has not gone blind .... But still in pain :(

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