The day to start is today

By Traci

You don'thave to see the whole staircase

just take the first step

Which today would be fix computer !! Glitch this week with the fan and it's limited to 'borrowing' various machines, can't wait until the pesky thing is repaired and I can catch up on more than just Blips.

The windiest day imaginable today and where do yougest and I go to spend it? On the beach at Weston to watch the most amazing Red Arrows. I really did think the show would be cancelled as the weather was completely against everything but they performed the whole set and it was as always - incredible, impeccable and breath taking. As both my daughter and I agreed 9 people walking along the sand today couldn't get the formation as perfect as those pilots did today. Awesome.

Our faces were sand blasted and we did get our feet wet as the tide was coming in when we were slightly distracted by the near miss fly pasts, but did I mention how incredible it was??

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