The day to start is today

By Traci

What if they are right

and the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about

Today it was all about keeping in out of the gale force winds that were blowing. It was frustratingly too windy to put the washing out, unless I had wanted to go and retrieve it all from next doors later on in the day.

I hadn't noticed that the giant fushia was starting to flower at the bottom of the garden, it is the most gorgeous pale pink. My Dad used to love these flowers and we had many different colour varieties in our old tiny town garden (He would have completely loved my present garden and I often wonder what he would do planting wise, I miss his garden chats) I used to always think that they were fairy trees when I was a tiny tot, with beautiful fairies dancing all through and around them.

Not much going on really everyone out at work except myself and youngest so a quiet house. A few old fashioned written letters and a reducing to do list so not too bad. Still not up and running properly on the old computer front but it's not the end of the world I suppose, it can actually wait until tomorrow :)

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