GB Training

Betsy here with three of her team mates and Coach Caroline.

At the end if training they had a knockabout game with the two coaches - Caroline and Beth - leading a team each. The girls are all very competitive by nature and the coaches even more so, so it got very rowdy.

I have to admire those girls. It was rainy, windy and cold but they just play and play and play. They don't flag or complain, ever. This was taken not only after three and a half hours of training without a break, it was also ten minutes after Betsy got hit in the shin by another girl throwing a bat behind her without looking. A lump like a ping pong ball on her shin from a heavy metal bat, she couldn't walk or even stand, but look at her face!

She was more upset at missing her turn to bat and being made to sit out with a bag of ice on it. Later she asked to bat, but Coach said she couldn't let her run on it. She got the girl who threw the bat to be Betsy's legs and run for her when Betsy hit.

We came home in time for lunch. We watched a movie together; Some Like It Hot. So good to see it again - not sure what the children made of it.

Last week we watched Forbidden Planet. They both loved it. So did I, I hadn't seen it before.

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