Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Frozen pond

It was freezing cold today! However we have had an unusual dry period lately so there is just not enough moisture in the air to get a decent frost or snow, despite the temperatures being low enough. 

This morning I met Laura for a walk, she is looking after Molly who Xena has known since they were both puppies (they are the same age), so Xena was very excited to see Laura and Molly today. It was about 2C when we were out walking and parts of the pond are frozen, with birds sitting on the ice looking very confused.

After that I went grocery shopping, I bought ingredients to bake for Tommy's birthday this week - he still requests cup cakes rather than a whole cake, he used to love the cup cakes I made for cake sales at school when he was little so is very happy when I make them these days. 

Tonight it's another zoom camera club meeting, thank goodness as I don't feel like going out in the cold. Our club is hosting an inter club competition with two other clubs, its an annual competition. I don't have any entries submitted as it is only for club and intermediate classes, but the judging will be very interesting to see.

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