One Year of Leo!

Not a birthday but
twelve months of having Leo!
One of the Team now!

We picked Leo up a year ago today!  Can't imagine life without him now :-)
Not that he always makes life easy :-/ My current situation is that he has raised himself up, is standing on the arm of the sofa leaning towards me at the breakfast bar and is determinedly scratching my back for attention, whilst I type!  I definitely haven't trained him as much as I intended!!  But he's such a cutie :-D
Other news?!  Ben slept well, so what a bonus!  His bloods have been very high at school though so I've been speaking with the diabetes nurse about how to handle it and emailing school to keep them in the loop.  Also he's had a sore mouth which he has complained about at school a lot today and apparently looked a bit poorly, so I got him in to see the dentist this afternoon but she said there's nothing to worry about.  Other than that.. just cooking; cleaning; a physio appointment that I had to walk to because Mr KCNQ2Haiku had the car; a dog walk and just generally battling the perishing cold!

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