Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Back to work, and Greenhouse 1 looks a bit different now than when I left for my Christmas break turned sick leave.
It was great to see the coworkers that were there. Not many of us, so I suspect many are ill.
I had light duty today. My boss wants us to go through the seed catalogs and write down seeds we want bought, and then she'll go through them all and see what she agrees with. I wrote down a bunch of lavender, among other plants and veggies. A coworker and I talked about what flowers we had and what colours we could add, and I wrote down flowers corresponding with that. 
Also talked to my cousin, who was waiting for a plane to get him to Uppsala. Well have company on Wednesday to Stockholm for the ceremony, but I'll go home on my own since I need to get up early. And, since we plan to leave around 1 o'clock, depending on the weather, I'm sure I'll be really tired too. 
Tomorrow the temperatures will drop to around 20 degrees C, and on Wednesday it's going to snow a lot, and the trains are not reliable when it snows a lot. 

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