Terry Toad
Meet Terry. (Christened by Mr B, before the real life Terry starts getting grumpy about it - I think it's meant more alliteratively than anthromorphologically, if you see what I mean.)
We first met Terry a few months ago when I was clearing up a corner of the garden and disturbed his bed. I thought we'd chased him away for good, but I found him today in a hanging basket - though one on the ground waiting to be hung up rather than one already high up. I don't much like slugs and had always wondered why we had none in our back yard (where Terry lives) but loads in the front yard. Now I know!
Beautiful sunny day. No one ran away or got lost. (Yet) And I still haven't had a glass of wine (Yet).
EDIT: Terry now rechristened Terri after a shock sex change.... (see comments!)
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