
By JennyOwen

No blue Mondays here

Not with Luca, our regular Monday companion.
He's far more interested in the workings of the camera, and the backscreen view, than he is in sitting still for Nana. So you have to catch him quickly.
A random purchase of a cut-price Playdoh set, from TK Maxx, provided unexpectedly contented times in the morning. I created a tiny mock garden space, and Luca populated it with what he called 'poodles'. Definitely not the dog. I think it was a bit of fun with the 'poo' sound.
Later still, a toothbrushing session produced the question 'Where does this water come from'? I got as far as I could with comments about water from rivers being 'cleaned up' for tap use, and then referred it all on to Richard, who got into deeper water (haha...) with chat about filters and distillation. But Luca takes what he can use, from these discussions, and moves on in his continuing analyses of 'how things work'.
After we'd picked Eben up, I had to take Luca with us to the drum lession, as Ruth and Josh were both late getting home. With Luca quite tired by then, I was a bit apprehensive. But in fact both kids dealt with it really well. Luca got the brief intro to the drum tutor, and his room, that he's wanted; we then retired to the quieter waiting area outside, and left Eben to it.  Luca found the way to create drawings on my iPhone, using the Notes app. Through the door, I could hear that the lesson was going very well. With luck, this may mean that Eben is happy to be left to get on with it in future lessons; despite him saying that he likes me to be there, I think he does relax more when I'm out of sight.

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