The babies are here.

Today I saw a baby paint turtle, toad and red squirrel. And even the reptiles had me saying, "Aww".

I actually felt like a human being for the first time this week. Such a relief! I have so many things to catch up on, but somehow I ended up spending most of the day with my camera. It was nice to enjoy the process...

My neighbor knocked on my door in the afternoon while I was checking my shots on the computer taking a break from the heat. She found a baby turtle that had just recently hatched and she thought I'd like to photograph it. (Word has gotten around about me.) And of course, I couldn't ignore a baby anything turtle... So back out in the heat and over to the turtle nest. She was kind enough to gently hold it so I could get a size comparison and then we placed it back where we found it. Now it has a job to do... the long trek to the lake (approx. 100 yards) down the hill. These little guys make this voyage on their own after hatching - just instinct I guess. Some days we spot several making the journey, but today this one was the only one we saw.

Better detail in large.

I did get a few of a new toad, but missed my opportunity with the baby red squirrel. I'll be on the look out for them... SO CUTE!

Hope you are having a good weekend. I'm working on catching-up with comments/thank you's and working on catching-up on life in general... It's amazing how far behind one can get after being out of commission for several days... Thank you so much for stopping by my journal during all of this!! I have been enjoying all of yours very much. :)

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