Every Day ….

….Is a school day.
I started by driving to a friends house to pick up a tablet, this one linked to two others plus a lap top to make communication between RNA committee members easier. Shared calendar, new e-mail address and all the guff that goes with communicating these days. It will make life easier, handing over to whoever comes next will just be a matter of handing over the tablet - that’s the theory anyway.

Next stop, the opticians where I picked up my new glasses, you cannot fault the service, a seven day turnaround. The only disappointing thing, having paid £300+ for two pairs the cases left a lot to be desired. One pair in a felt like box offering minimal protection, the other in the same material but a slip case, no protection for expensive glasses at all.

Home for a bit more clearing out, I shouldn’t be but I’m amazed at the amount of “come in handy” ‘stuff’ I have accumulated.
Pens - dozens of them!

Todays photo, RFA Mounts Bay alongside in a windless but cold Falmouth.

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