Going up Park street in the top front seat

Is there anyone who doesn’t like the top front seat of the bus? Although the window is pretty dirty, so not ideal for blipping. I had taken my car over to north Bristol for 8.30am to have it MOTd and serviced. It took longer to drive over there than it would have done to walk. I don’t understand why people commute in cars every day - perhaps they use the time to think. Or I suppose listening to the radio is ok too.
Anyhow I got the bus up to Clifton, and then walked across to the Oxfam shop. Which was fine, a good busy afternoon.
Then I walked to the garage - about 45 mins, to pick up my car which is a 14 year old tiny Toyota - passed no problem, nothing needed doing. They are very good long lasting cars in my experience
In the evening I went to see The Boys in the Boat - which is a fantastic true story of how the equivalent of say Sunderland Polytechnic (in the past) beat Oxford and Cambridge rowing teams to represent the USA at the Olympics. Also it was the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. But it was directed by George Clooney in an unoriginal and predictable way. The rowing scenes were good though

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