I wish ...

I have this huge canvas up over my bed. I look at everyday and some days just wish that I could be chilling on a beach looking at this beautiful scene. Oh maybe one day once the wildlings have grown. 

I had a great day at work. I swear though the full moon should be this week and not the 25th. It's like there is something in the water.  Not just at work but with most children.  The jedi's nursery is having a hard week too. 

The wildlings have had a good day at school.  They have a burns poem to learn. Not one of them can talk proper Scots.  And my accent is pretty mixed. It's hilarious listening to Lincoln.  I need blipper MrsMud to give them lessons. 

Carson really wants to play with his daddy's new nerf gun, harp is just peeved about not having one that size. So funny. 

Xander has had a better few days but his new ticks/stimms are getting more and more. He doesn't even realise he's making them. One of them reminds me of the sound from the Alien movie with Sigourney Weaver.  It's like wtf. 

I've just went through the jedis wardrobe and got a huge pile to hand into nursery for their spare clothes drawer.  The jedi is quite tall for his age so half his stuff has hardly bn worn. But at least they will get used now. 

Thanks for your lovely comments yesterday.  The staff at greggs came to me afterwards.  One of them is near retirement and the young lad was just a baby compared to me. The young girl was about 16 just to answer some questions from blippers. I'm not sure if she left with the man or not as I had to leave to pick the boys up. 

Our car went back to the garage today and it needs to go back in next week. Not what we need, it's way too icy and cold to be cycling.  

Thanks for all Mr R's birthday wishes. X 

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