
I was up earlier today, so was on my way back through the Estate soon after sunrise. I then dropped back down to the path by the Esk that never gets sun in winter, so was much colder. 

In work I ran the first workshop of my course, and it went well. Unfortunately some students went to a different room despite my clear announcement in my Tuesday lecture. Its recording is available, and the same information is on the slides I posted, so I don't know what more I can do! 

Afterwards, I had a chat with PhD student J, and in the afternoon I met MPhil student M on Teams. Otherwise, I was programming and doing some admin for И.

Back home, I saw A briefly as she came in and then out again, before reheating "fish pie" risotto for my tea. I'll have to walk Django again, but have the company of daughter K to look forward to, as she's staying with us tonight.

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