Tag and Release

It had all seemed so simple to Vincent Vole when he signed up for the flying lessons this winter but I don't think even he was prepared for the tag and release system they utilise up here on top of the Cotswold hills. 

Vincent's first flying lesson and sadly his last, one assumes; it had all started so well as he went up and away into the sunset with breathtaking views but all too soon - see Extra - there were problems which no amount of dodging, weaving and intimidation could eventually extricate both him and his pilot from. A sorry outcome. 

As he catapulted through the sky, dropping like a stone and pedalling for Britain see Extra,  the result was always going to be the same and not one either he or his shortie pilot wanted. Both for different reasons ....

I did feel incredibly sorry for the short-eared owl in this case as she had been hunting, needed the food on a bitterly cold day and succeeded - a rare occurrence, only to have it robbed from her. 

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