The clock is ticking

I’ve posted pictures of the family longcase clock in the past. It has our surname engraved in the top panel.

It is not a grand clock: it was made more for the kitchen than the drawing room (it is the one on the right). But it is now over 250 years old and has been passed down various branches of the family and we are now responsible for it.

During the pandemic it started failing, then eventually stopped. A year ago tomorrow we put it in for repair. The clock specialist was so busy he could not begin to look at it until October.

He has now. He’s had to engineer several new spindles, sort out wear and tear and reassemble it. It has been on the test bench for some weeks and is behaving itself. We hope to have it back in the house next week but today we took the housing up to check nothing needed to be done to reinstall it properly.

We’ll have to get used again to the deeper tick and chimes. Can’t wait.

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