Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A conversation

It was about 26F this morning as I looked out to see these two on the recycled bird bath.   I knew it was frozen and I can imagine the conversation between these two went along these. lines....

Blue Bird- " Do you think they will ever come out here to give us some water?  You are fatter than me, see if you can break the ice!"

the Dove- " I am not fat!!  I am puffed up trying to get warm.   I thought I saw someone moving in there so maybe they will see us sitting here.  Why don't you go fly into the window to get their attention?"

Blue Bird- " I am going to see about getting some breakfast and maybe they will give us water while I am gone."     

With a flutter of wings and a little dive at each other, they both flew off.

I did go out then to break the ice and put fresh warm water in the bird bath.  We do spoil the creatures that live with us!  

We also have a white cat that has been lurking around the yard.  Today Jerry saw it sitting under the deer corn feeder eating corn.  So he texted me to pick up some food as he is so tenderhearted toward animals.   I did get some and put it out close to where we have seen it.  Hoping the squirrels don't get it all.    Our dog is not a cat dog at all.  This should be interesting!

Classmates lunch tomorrow at my house.  About 12 people if everyone shows up.  I have made a chicken vegetable soup that was in the cookbook of Brenda Gantt and Pat is making a dessert from the same cookbook.  We will be sharing our stories of the weekend trip for sure. 

I have added a couple of collages that show more scenes from the bed and breakfast I visited last weekend.  You may notice all the lamps as there are only a few overhead lights and they are in the small kitchen and the bathrooms.   Everything in this house is old!  They actually sell the dishes and decor plus a few of the  cabinets and sideboards.  

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