Starry night

So to continue the saga of this house.

At 1 am my husband started to throw up. He moved to the guest room (which has a toilet attached) to give me a chance to sleep while he was emptying himself. But it took me few hours to catch sleep again because my leg was hurting so much.

I was quite afraid to get the bug from my husband so that it would prevent me visiting the health care clinic. I was bit nauseous this morning so I didn't eat anything before the appointment.

So finally met the doctor. Who was young (later online search revealed he's been a doctor now for 2 years). He looked like he was bored with everything in life, he was condescending and plain rude. And he spoke with the nasal Helsinki intonation which the younger generation uses, which sounds to me very... well... imbecile. When I moved here I started to use more general language with local people so I would not sound like I'm trying to be better than everyone else. He clearly wanted everyone to understand that he's from Helsinki.

Anyway... He ordered the x-ray. I went to the x-ray department which was still open for 10 minutes. Luckily our acquaintance Niko was working there. He checked that the doctor had not sent the request for the x-ray. We waited. He tried to call the doctor., 2 minutes before the x-ray department was closing, he walked to find the doctor to get the request.

Then we took the x-rays. Niko looked and said that nothing is showing in the pictures. Most likely that if it's tendon, it won't show in the x-ray. I told Niko that the doctor said that I should be on sick leave, but didn't give me the note. I was about to forget the whole thing, but Niko convinced me to go talk to a nurse.

I did. I waited. Then the doctor walked by me, told me that he'll give me the note, which he did. Did not apologize or anything. I felt like crap. He also made me feel humiliated. That's why I didn't want to see him again.

The doctor suggested I have "Runner's knee". But my pain is further back. I've checked this option months ago. That pain is on the side and front, not the back.

Next week I can call the clinic about the pictures. He also wants me to see the physiatrist. So I could get some advise how to excersice the pain away. So I am back to square 1!

My leg is better with the rest it has had. I even walked / limped a little with Buddha this evening.

And on that note, Buddha has been bit under the weather too. Hasn't eaten anything, but has been out to walks and visited the backyard. It's quite cold again. It's been -25°C with the wind factor.

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