
We had a long day in London today. There was a celebration of sociologist Ann Oakley’s career and life and, as Graham has been writing a book about her for the last year or so, he was invited to contribute. It was in the British Library, which is where my photo of the statue of Newton comes from. The event was known as a festschrift (I’d never heard of it!) where people talk about the various contributions someone has made. At this event her children and grandchildren also contributed and gave a lovely insight to a side of her that we didn’t know. It was a great, but very tiring day. Lots of walking, managing escalators, trains and tubes. And walking 10,000 steps. It sounds great but it was exceptionally hard! I am very tired tonight.
A couple of extras, one of a view of St Pancras from the British Library and the other of Graham during his presentation

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