
I worked from home as I had a dental appointment. He had threatened a filling last time but just ended up doing a big clean instead which was so painful!  I have never had to have a numbing injection to get through a clean before.

It was white everywhere when I headed out for my 8:30am appointment. And this areas without an6 sun on them stayed white all day long. I was happy when Leo’s goalie coach called off their practice in the evening as the Astro was too slippery. That would have been a cold one to watch.

And sad news from Greendale which is one of our favourite car shops and the place when we hope a new Parkrun will get underway in 2024. It has all gone a bit quiet on that front as the paperwork wends it way through.  They have various animals on site as part of the farm walk and the Wallaby has gone AWOL.  It is so chilly and windy at the moment that it can’t be much fun being out and about - not exactly Aussie type weather!  Hopefully there will be good news soon and he will be found

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