Folk Festival

I have a photo of Katie going through this tunnel on her feet, but I loved this one as I saw a glimpse again of my baby Katie

3years 245days

A lovely but soggy day today! The VERY first thing Katie said when she woke (at a civilised 7.15am) was "are we going swimming now?" before she went and got both our swimming costumes and brought them to me. We had a lovely swim. She swam very very hard for a good few widths before we had a fun play time chasing and splashing. We bumped into friends we havent seen in a rather long time too which was great.

We headed home to ice the cakes/buns that we had baked yesterday (winter spiced-chocolate with white chocolate chips, I was pleased how well it worked!) before we went to meet birthday-boy Grandad and Granny. We were meeting to go to the Folk Festival that is on not too far away. It's always a nice time, but this year they changed venue and it worked even better. We had so much fun, even though it rained extremely heavily a couple of times.

We spent time browsing the fair trade stalls/craft market. We spent ages at the circus skills stall/practice area. We played with poi, twirling ribbons, hula hoop, juggling sticks, plate spinning. Katie left with her first set of training poi. And was quite good with them! We went into the children's marquee where she spent a long time crafting. She made a fluttering butterfly, a shaker and did a big pile of little farm animal colouring-ins. All while live music played around us and Granny learnt about felting. After, she went through the pictured tunnel of willow and ribbon, several times in fact. She thought rather amusing to crawl through not walk!

We decided it was time for a (quite late!) lunch and found us a table in the indoor picnicking area. Granny had a packed a lovely birthday lunch, lots of yummy salads and freshly baked bread. We gave Grandad his birthday cake and sang to him. We headed back to the children's tent after lunch. She did most of a drumming workshop before she had a little butterfly painted on her hand. We then went and watched some Maypole dancing. She had a ride on the little kiddies' teacups. She had a little dance on the mini stage, as there were no dancers on it. She laughed and waved at a man dressed as a polar bear - so long as he kept his distance. An ice cream, a look in the music stalls, a play with her poi, and it was time to leave!

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