Frozen Clean Mud

4years 245days

"Why is Katie chasing round the garden with toilet roll" you may well ask.... Because we are doing this activity. Frozen Clean Mud. Amazing play material made from toilet roll, grated soap & water, with added food colour and glitter. We had fun. As much fun making it as playing with the finished product.

Exciting time midday for Katie - she had her first school dinner at her new school. As soon as she walked into the hall, the headmaster talked to her and she replied confidently. She has now remembered his name. Her little friend who is at school already saw her immediately she walked in and made sure there was space for us. Katie carried her plate carefully and then selected her vegetables, her drink, her bread. She set the table for her and I with the cutlery and ate really nicely. Steak, yorkshire pud and four veggies! We went to clear the main course and get pudding. A good ol' fashioned crunch and custard pud. Proper school dinner (Without the lumps!). When we returned, big boys had taken our seats. A valuable introduction in to the harsh world that is the school canteen! We found empty seats next to one of her nursery friends who was also in for a visit lunch.

We walked into town after lunch to return library books and got some new ones. She sat and had a good read while we were there as well as reading a new book when we got home. While we were at school, we were given our order of her branded school uniform. She of course had to try it on when we got in. She looked insanely adorable, and she stood so proudly in it. Yet she also looked very small at the same time.

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