My happy place
In view of the forecast wet and windy weather, we haven’t been out today. I went into the back garden this morning, and lowered the bird table carefully to the ground, complete with resident wren (!), to prevent them being blown over and damaged.
We then very much enjoyed watching our church service online, especially as, apart from an excellent sermon from our curate, the choir sang two pieces which had been composed by choir members, one of which was its debut. Both were excellent.
I made a dish of ratatouille for lunch, which was delicious but not hugely filling. So on tentatively enquiring whether Smithers might care for a golden sponge pudding made in the microwave for dessert, it wasn’t really surprising that his face lit up immediately.
Lunch over, I spent the afternoon in my happy place, the craft room, doing a multitude of fiddly jobs, most of which were technology-related and a bit frustrating. However, being surrounded by so much fantastic kit and wonderful pieces of craft work – like this banner of hearts made for me by my cousin’s lovely French wife – makes it impossible for me to stay feeling frustrated for very long.
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