Winter Renewal Begins!

We gathered at FBC on this cold morning for the first of our annual Winter Renewal services with music led by Charles Colvin and a sermon from Dr. Jimmy Draper. The service began with a couple of songs led by a men's quartet.   The choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists did an inspiring version of "Christ Our Hope In Life And Death", after which we were blessed by Bro. Jimmy's sermon from Isaiah.  Normally, I would summarize the sermon, but due to unfortunate circumstances, I will not have that available today.  Tonight, we returned for a second service with music led by Charles and another inspiring sermon by Bro, Jimmy from Malachi.  The choir, orchestra and our talented accompanists presented a worshipful version of "I Speak Jesus".  Apologies to the worship team for not having pictures of them for the collage, but my tripod did not arrive in time for me to get any decent shots of them.  I do not have a summary of that sermon for the same unfortunate reason as the morning sermon.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be more normal.  You could get the services on the Live-stream---and they are worth your time.......

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