Holy, holy, holy!

Well it's been a windy night, but not as bad here as I expected. As I write this at 3.30pm the wind has dropped and the sun is shining. Yet barely half an hour ago I was tempted outside to fill up the bird feeders, putting a jacket on just in case. The Clerk of the Weather saw me coming, however, and before I could rush back indoors the heavens opened and the rain came down in torrents! Minutes later it turned to hail. What fun!

I've spent some time looking back through photographs trying to find good pictures to enter into our next competition. This is an annual competition between the Argyll Clubs - the Frank Walton Trophy. Several clubs have given up over the past few years - we're down to five now. 

An indoor Blip today. This lovely foliage plant is Monstera adansonii, a native of the jungles of South & Central America. Rather less bulky than its relative, Monstera deliciosa, the Swiss Cheese plant. These species have holes in their leaves, supposedly to allow light through to the foliage below, and to save the plant from damage in high winds and heavy rain. We could do with some plants like that in Britain!

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