Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

First Snowdrops

A very windy night with some rain. Not going to be a pleasant afternoon with Storm Isha heading in, so I make my exit as soon as the morning rain halts for a wee daunder around the park. While some sheltered gardens have had snowdrops for a couple of days, these are the first I have seen in semi wild areas. The snowdrops in the woods have yet to appear. Astounding, as only yesterday, the ground was rock hard here. I even spot some flowering Winter Aconites, but in a garden. As I head towards home, the rain starts, an hour earlier than forecast.

I spend the afternoon replacing the power supply in Twin 1's PC, and even installing a new SSD which he has had for over 2 years languishing in his room. Of course I couldn't find my supply of screws for hard disks, for some reason disk manufacturers don't supply them with the hard disk, and he had lost the packet containing the 8 screws that were needed. Fortunately, Twin 2 came to the rescue.

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