Bad weather

Thanks for all your love for my wildlings.  They took their paintings into school with them. 

Our car was back in the garage today so I had to cycle the jedi to nursery and then to my work. 12 miles done. Around 10K steps at work too. I should sleep tonight as I had the wind blowing me backwards on my cycle.  Thankfully its not bad at the moment.  Just wet. 

I'm currently in Greggs with the two wee ones. That man hasn't been in for a week. The staff are thankful for that. 

We will go and pick Mr R up later when the big wildlings have finished martial arts.  We got our car back after school.  It wasn't cheap but that should be it all fixed. 

Carson goes for a General anesthetic tomorrow for his teeth. He broke two of them around 2 years ago when he use to chew on stones. The hospital is over a hour and half away. Mr R will take him and possibly nana. Means I can have the car for the big wildlings.  

Blip may take a back seat tonight.  As I have only been in the house 20mins since 8 am. 

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