Sorted, again!

I took Smithers to the optician’s this morning to collect his glasses with the new prescription. When he put them on and tried reading the card he was handed with different sized text on it, he did think it was slightly better than his previous prescription. He then tried to read the same card with his old glasses, and immediately held it further away from him to try and focus, so clearly the new ones are a bit better. We were warned it wouldn’t make a huge difference, but if he can read even a bit more easily it will be good for his morale.

This afternoon we took his new glasses out for a walk! We were surrounded by the most jubilant birdsong coming from the trees all around us, but I found it frustrating that I couldn’t see a single bird. In the end, Smithers walked on home and left me to wander around and try to find something to blip. I switched my Merlin app on and it came up with robin, song thrush, blue tit, coal tit and siskin! None of which I could see. I did eventually spot a dunnock, but it flew off before I could take a photo.

I came home and went searching in the garden for an emerging bloom – maybe a hellebore, or a cyclamen, which were both in evidence but not blipworthy.

And then the doorbell rang. There was no-one there by the time I opened the door, but standing on the step was a big parcel containing this beautiful orchid from my cousin’s lovely French wife. Blip sorted!

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