Awyr glir a llinellau ffôn

Awyr glir a llinellau ffôn ~ Clear skies and telephone lines

“Mallarmé said that everything in the world exists in order to end up in a book . Today everything exists to end in a photograph.”

― Susan Sontag, (‘On Photography’)

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Roedd clicied drws fy ystafell gwely wedi angen trwsio am flynyddoedd.  Gyda'r tywydd gwyntog diweddar roedd y drws yn cleciog yn arbennig problematig. Felly, o'r diwedd es i gyrraedd i ddatgymalu'r glicied i weld y broblem. Roedd yr hen sbringiau wedi torri (nid yw'n syndod - efallai eu bod yn drigain oed), felly doedden nhw ddim yn gallu gwthio'r glicied. Doedd dim sbringiau sbâr gyda fi, felly gwnes i estyniad yr hen sbringiau ac yn ailadeiladu'r peirianwaith. Wel, mae'n gweithio nawr ac mae'r drws yn gallu clicied. Dydw i ddim yn siŵr pa mor hir y bydd e'n parhau, ond mae'n ddigon da am nawr. Bydd rhaid i mi ffeindio rhai o sbringiau bach...

Roedd y tywydd yn eithaf da heddiw, felly penderfynon ni i fynd i'r pentref gydag ein llyfrau i roi i siop elusen. Ffonion ni yn gyntaf i wneud siŵr eu bod nhw'n barod i gael llathen (neu ddwy) o lyfrau. Yn ffodus roedden nhw'n hapus gyda'r syniad. Roedden ni'n falch ein bod ni wedi ffonio, oherwydd roedd arwydd ar y drws 'dim rhoddion heddiw' - ac eithrio ni, wrth gwrs - roedden nhw'n disgwyl ni.

Felly roedd yn ddiwrnod da am wneud cwpl o bethau defnyddiol.

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My bedroom door latch had needed mending for years. With the recent windy weather the banging door was particularly problematic. So, I finally got around to disassembling the latch to see the problem. The old springs were broken (not surprising - they are maybe sixty years old), so they couldn't push the latch. I didn't have any spare springs, so I stretched the old springs and rebuilt the mechanism. Well, it works now and the door can latch. I'm not sure how long it will last, but it's good enough for now. I'll have to find some small springs...

The weather was quite good today, so we decided to go to the village with our books to give to a charity shop. We phoned first to make sure they were ready to get a yard (or two) of books. Fortunately they were happy with the idea. We were glad we called, because there was a sign on the door 'no donations today' - except for us, of course - they were expecting us.

So it was a good day for doing a couple of useful things.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Awyr glir a llinellau ffôn
Description (English): Clear skies and telephone lines

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