My ADHD Journey

By Adhd

Day two of ADHD Medication

Some days feel productive, others do not. Sometimes it's not related to how much was achieved, but more to what was achieved and how. 
Today was not a productive feeling day. 

Medication Commentary: 
Dose: 5mg morning +5mg afternoon 
The dose seemed to have less of an impact today than even yesterday. I was scheduled for leave today. So the calendar was largely empty. I had lots to do, but no urgency, so the distractions came think and fast. I had productive bursts, but never tackled the big task of budgeting which was the important one. By the end of the day I felt like a failure and there's no change or improvement in sight.  
I didn't feel the effects of medication start or wear off in any way. It's like they weren't there. Perhaps less hyperactivity, but no additional focus. Next weeks increase in dosage can't come soon enough. 
I made a conscious effort to delegate more.  

Is it Urgent and Important? Add it to the action list. This approach is working great, especially as I have an assistant also looking at it. 
Is it Important? Schedule it. This is the one not working... It's where the distractions creep in. I think I may try the focus club for important items.  
Everything else, delegate or park. I sent more to the team and also to my part time assistant. I really have to get into a swing with my assistant to make the most of it. 
I felt like a failure today because I never did the Important items. Perhaps I should consider the wins I had in the other areas as progress. It's shame I'm writing this a day after as it feels like a missed opportunity.

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