
By helenann

First snowdrops

At last a day without rain!
We even cycled to ukulele class. I was so rusty on playing, and really lost my cool on trying to do a clip strum on one song. Our  teacher  spotted my frustration and came to help. I wasn't the only one struggling, but with everything else which has been going on recently, I managed to get  quite upset. However  I felt better later for letting go of some of my pent up  stress.
Another  Pilates class, immediately afterwards, helped too. 
I spotted this clump of snowdrops outside  a local garden as I walked  to Pilates. My snowdrops are yet to flower.
My sister has sent a draft  of the eulogy, which  was better than I had hoped for. 
Last night I discussed with her the nine  team roles,  identified by Meredith Belbin, whose different behaviours make  for the most successfully functioning team. Belbin Team Roles (which we were both familiar with from  training courses when  we were at work) and which role  we each had. She is definitely  a Shaper, and I am a Completer Finisher, which may explain why we approach tasks so differently, and we exasperate one another! We await our other sister's analysis  of  her own team role!   I think  she is is more of aTeamworker, being ever the  calm and efficient diplomat. 
This  evening  was Uke Jam which was really quite relaxing after the earlier class!

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