
By ayearinthelife

Food Glorious Food

I’m not sure whether they’re saying I should take care when driving home or if I should take care not to eat all the lovely food we bought in one go!
With all storms having passed and roads clear of fallen trees and overturned vehicles, we decided to pop up to Penrith to visit Cranstons Food Hall and treat ourselves to something nice for tea.
Making the most of the trip, we went to Tim Hortons for breakfast first and called into Tebay Services Farm Shop (for a chocolate and almond danish!) on the way home.
It’s a good job we don’t live closer, or do this more often, as our waistlines would definitely suffer - never mind our blood sugar and cholesterol levels! But I think I can risk having a slice of Ullswater Pie with some delicious savoury salads every now and again. In fact, I’ve been very good today and not even eaten everything in one go - there’s enough left to do lunch tomorrow as well.
Not a cheap day out but, hey, I’m worth it!

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