Welcome as a friend

Lone Flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they
But hardier far, once more I see thee bend
Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend,
Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day,
Storms, sallying from the mountain-tops, waylay
The rising sun, and on the plains descend;
Yet art thou welcome, welcome as a friend
Whose zeal outruns his promise! Blue-eyed May
Shall soon behold this border thickly set
With bright jonquils, their odours lavishing
On the soft west-wind and his frolic peers;
Nor will I then thy modest grace forget,
Chaste Snowdrop, venturous harbinger of Spring,
And pensive monitor of fleeting years!
William Wordsworth
TThe alternative was Ted Hughes which was a bit sombre and intense.
They are surviving, as yet un-nibbled (slugs apparently) and look - there were moments of sunshine today! The consequence has been that I've been out in the garden for most of the day and am now knackered, but in a good way. Today I have been attacking the myrtle forests that seems to be flourishing everywhere. We have a couple of myrtle trees that mysteriously appeared a few years ago and are now large. One or two is fine but they spread like mad so I have been ripping out the saplings - hundreds of them!And brambles. And ivy. The robin enjoyed it. 

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