Reindeer hospital……..

…………this afternoon,
Three of the grandchildren really enjoyed setting up two “hospital wards”:in our loft bedroom. I was the supplier of bandages and plasters.
Love their imaginative play.
Labels were made for empty cupboards where toys who had been “operated on “ were deposited to recovery,
The eldest granddaughter made those.
The youngest grandson set up a kitchen to make hospital food, and our youngest granddaughter helped to “diagnose”:what was wrong,
All the toys are kept up there.
I accumulated lots of different things when they were living with us for two and a half months in 2021, waiting until they could all move into their new house.
Their big brother, who is 12 was doing a very cerebral mathematical puzzle with “Grandad” Stephen on the dining table downstairs. It’s called the “Tower of Hanoi” and apparently well known. (I had never heard of it of course!).
Our son came with them, and it was nice to spend a bit of time with him too,
We made them all tea, Then big brother decided he would get a clip board and go up to the loft later to “inspect” the hospital
You can see from his report which he stuck on the door, that they passed.(Photo in extras)
I awarded each of them a dairy free chocolate lolly! (which I happened to have bought this morning for them).
They left around an hour ago with strict instructions to look after the patients until they can come again,
The house feels very quiet now, with all that buzzing energy gone out through the door!
So I took a couple of photos before we sat down to have our tea.
A busy day, with shopping this morning and hanging out the washing when we got back. But it was a good day for drying outside, in the sunshine and breezy wind.
Have a good weekend everyone.

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