
By PorridgeWog

Wriggly (Day 3182)

An early start today so my beautiful wife could zoom off to catch the boat south.
At a more reasonable hour, I headed to town to deal with a leak. The customer had sent a video of a dripping pipe, convinced it was the pipe which was leaking. It turned out that the installer of the bath had made the tap holes too big, not fitted the rubber washers which help seal the bath tap to the bath, and not tightened the nut which clamps the tap to the bath. All of which are a lot easier to do when the bath isn't in its final position. Sorting out was a bit of a struggle, but I managed.
A couple of errands used up the rest of the morning before I headed home to get Sigyn out a wander. She was in a fairly playful mood and enjoyed a wriggle around in the heather.
Off to Stromness after lunch to have a look at a job I will be at next week, then along to check on the horses. Red gave me a bit of cause for concern, he just didn't seem to be himself. I watched him for a while, and decided to leave him for a little while and check later. I called HV for advice and headed to Mum and Dad for coffee.
Back at the horses a bit later, Red was busy munching hay and seemed to be much more like himself thankfully.

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