Now we have everything

By Gembop

First time swimming

A very long awaited first today- Charlie's first dip in a pool!

We'd had another lazy morning despite Charlie waking at 5:30am absolutely full of beans. I don't think so mister!

I thought it would be best to hit the baby pool at lunch time. Surely everyone is tucking into their Sunday lunch by then? However we lost track of time and ended up leaving the house at 1:15pm. The pool closes for lessons at 2pm. Whoops! Thankfully I knew we only needed 15 minutes in the water, so drove over.

When we got there it was absolutely rammed! All the other kids were really well behaved though (I'm paranoid about other children after fingergate!) and Charlie had a great time.

The poor little mite had barely slept since 10am and was asleep before we took him out of the car, got him undressed and plunged him into tepid water! He was surprisingly unfazed and kicked happily. Instead he was more interested in looking around. It's a shame I couldn't take a picture of him in the pool. I might try and sneak one next time.

We took him out after 15 minutes because although it was admitedly warmer than the normal pool it was still cold and his teeth gums were chattering!

I'd been reliably told that a swim would knock a baby out for a couple of hours after but he barely had 15 minutes in the car. He woke up as soon as we got home!

Robin made a lovely gammon dinner and then we had another first: we all sat down to dinner together at the table. Charlie had apple, pear and porridge in his highchair. I had a little 'aww' moment to myself :)

Given how shattered he was it was unsurprising Charlie went down early. Robin and I spent this evening looking at holidays. I've been worrying myself silly about what's appropriate for a soon-to-be 6 month old. Then someone gave me the great advice of just doing a holiday we want as Charlie is still a baby and not crawling so will be happy to eat, play and sleep anywhere.

So, watch this space.

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