Side B and a Tree
Blackheath was shrouded in mist all day and this was taken in the daytime,
Unfortunately the tree is nearly dead, but I can't bring myself to remove it as it's going to look so awful.
Whatever replaces it will not grow very large in my lifetime.
We have two vinyl shops in town, though this one is more of a bar, I think.
I've yet to have a cocktail and imbibe the hip ambience:)
I'm not sure why they didn't call it 'The B Side', which I think sounds much better, and is truer to the time.
As a player of many records, I would always have said, "I prefer the B Side.".
I was walking Billy when I saw this boy doing catherine wheels along the footpath. Many of them!
Maybe he's bursting with joy at the prospect of returning to school.
I congratulated him:))
Sorry, I've swapped.
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