Feeding time.

It was one of those days when I thought should I or not.  As you can see I decided to go out and see what I could see.  It was a cloudy day, the opposite to yesterday.  However, I visited Ouse Bridge at the end of Bassenthwaite Lake first before taking a seat at the landing stages at Keswick.  Here I would sit warmly wrapped up and wait and see if anything caught my eye.  Well this did.  This gent decided to walk on one of the jetties to feed the gulls.  (geese and ducks were around too.)  Now taking birds in flight is not one I'm good at.  Remembering to increase ISO gave me a faster speed, (I could have used Shutter Speed-next time) so I tried.  If you look closely there is a piece of bread in mid air.  Definitely a reaction between man and bird.  For a Saturday morning it was quiet by the lake.  Families did arrive and they fed the ducks and geese spreading food on the ground or even feeding from a hand.  Coffee from my flask was drunk and my fingers were toastie inside my gloves!
If you saw my Blip of Ashness Jetty it is poles like these which will have to be (well and truly) hammered back into place.  There is a machine to assist in this.
Sitting and watching gives an insight into wildfowl behaviour from a  goose biting another goose's rear feathers and chasing it to a gull diving into the lake, recover a stick before repeating.  No I wasn't cold-coat and coffee gave me warmth!

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