Running Up That Hill

After the excitement of a Salisbury's delivery this morning (no muesli or cabbage by the way) we decided to go for a run walk up the hill behind the house to have a look at our solar panels. We can't really see them from ground level.

The panels look good, if such a thing is possible. It's actually quite surprising how many local houses already have panels. We hadn't really noticed before.

On the way we disturbed our local egret (extra).

In other news I have been trying to get to grips with Microsoft OneNote. I use Evernote a lot and usually manage to get a much reduced subscription out of them. I read that they are severely limiting what you can do with a basic free account though which might make it impossible to share notebooks with mrsfb. After much searching for an alternative I keep coming back to OneNote being the best option. I'm finding it hard to get to grips with though, and it doesn't seem to be easy to synchronise between platforms. All sorts of errors come up, missing notebooks, non-existent notebooks etc. I'll keep trying, I like a technological challenge.

One year ago:
Past Their Best

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