Thanks to WhiskyFoxtrot's heads-up, once I'd finished the boring stuff I needed to do in London I went to see the Winter Lights at Canary Wharf. It's a paradox - for the rest of London, the lights around Canary Wharf's large buildings and its office lights are permanent light pollution on a grand scale. No view of London is the same since it was built. Yet here they are, putting free small-scale lights nearer the ground and encouraging people who don't earn financial-institution salaries to come and fork out lots of money to eat, drink and be merry. A capitalist circus where the plebs pay for the bread. Inspired, really.

Unsurprisingly, it was regimented. That was necessary as it was very crowded and heaving with buggies on its penultimate night but I didn't respond very kindly to being herded along one-way systems through the displays.

But I am a sucker for good circuses and three of the 13 displays won me over: Sign by Vendel & De Wolf of the Netherlands in which a roundabout caught electronic fire (extra); Kinetic Perspectives by Juan Fuentes from Spain (extra); and, blipped and best of all, Submergence by Squidsoup from the UK.

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