
This morning, I was joined by four others of our small, but loyal, group of volunteers  in doing some tidying up of our local  wildlife area.  
It was very good to have C back after his emergency heart valve replacement surgery back in October. A H coppiced some of our hazel trees, and C cut the arisings into spars of convenient  lengths to use as plant supports. Meanwhile  T , A P and I attacked bramble, pruned smaller trees, and refilled our two shallow water features/ bird baths.
My blip shows the finished pile of cuttings. The extra shows  catkins on one of the many Hazel trees we didn't need to coppice this year.
I also noted (with help from the  Merlin birdsong app) the  birds present in the area:
Flock of approx 30 Redwings on the neighbouring playing fields 
Rook, Crow, Jackdaw, Wood Pigeon, Starling, Song Thrush, Dunnock,
Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long tailed Tit, Goldfinch, Blackcap. 3 Robins.

This afternoon, I collected up the myriad of  pots of Achimenes and  Kohleria  plants scattered around  our house and  outdoors in the  greenhouse.  (I had no idea there were so many!!), and emptied them out to reclaim and  clean the tubers, ready to plant again. I was relieved Martin was out at a charity rugby event and didn't return until the chaos in the kitchen was cleared away!  

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