
By lucia13

I am hungry mummy!!

Hello my friends! Hope everybody had a great weekend . It was a fantastic fullmoon weekend. Yesterday I couldn't see the moon again because the clouds . What a pity! I spent a few hours in the window checking the sky but there was nothing I could see. Still I am very happy with my pic of the moon the last 2 days.

Today I want to go to see my swans but I am very tired . I didn't sleep enough in the last few days. I want to share with you this little bird feeding the baby in a pond. He was desperate to follow the mum asking for more food amongst the lilies.
I have a visit today from my friend Patricia from London . She will stay here for 3 days so I hope she acompanies me to see the family of swans again tomorrow.
Thanks for the visit in my blip, for the lovely comments like always and stars. I
hope you have a nice day . xx

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