
By soozsnapz

The Mathew replica

My friend G and I walked around the harbourside, a lovely walk with lots of museums, cafes, boats, birds, and of course the water itself.  But - on a Monday morning most of the cafes and all of the museums are closed. And the sky was dark grey, as you see, so nothing looks as attractive as it sometimes does. 
The Mathew was the ship that John Cabot, a Venetian adventurer, sailed from Bristol in search of new lands in 1497. He found one and rather prosaically called it Newfoundland.  This replica was made between 1994-96 at Redcliffe Quay - then in 1997, the 500th anniversary was celebrated by undertaking the same voyage.  Since then the ship, which usually lives in the harbour where you see it, has been used for films, tourism and education. It’s surprisingly small, and very attractive I think.  I especially like the crows nest. 

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