The river Frome

As I needed to do an errand in St Paul’s, after Fareshare I walked up the river Frome and then over the footbridge across the M32.  In all my years in Bristol I’ve never walked that route before.  Walking beside the river upstream, the first bit was through an industrial area, and the river is in a bit of a state, with junk thrown in it. No actual supermarket trolleys, but a scooter and other debris. Further up, as in the bottom right pic, the river runs through Riverside park, and it’s immaculate , clean and no rubbish. Perhaps there’s a ‘friends of the park’ group that keeps it nice. I noticed there are ducks and coots all the way along. 
I was also interested because my son (who is a civil engineer) is currently working on a flood prevention project there.  Though it’s all online at present, he hasn’t visited.  But I think he’s coming up in a couple of weeks. 

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