Capital adventures

By marchmont

Any temple will do.

Peter picked me up at 8.10 and we set off. The plan was to over the new bridge to Nusa Dual, see an old statue, visit Uluwatu Temple, have lunch in a fish restaurant and then a swim, but no jet skiing, parascending or snorkelling. 

However traffic jabs and an overturned car or paid to that and we headed for Tanah Lot via Kuta and Seminyak. It was probably a better choice and it's very atmospheric, sat in an island off the west coast and the gardens in the visitor area were pretty. It also was not too busy, but it was hot.

Then lunch (chicken) in a warung overlooking rice paddies. A swim was next but the waves were too high on the beach and no-one,one else was swimming so we came back for 4. It was a good day, despite the traffic and I bought a duck and an incense holder.

Swam and lay by the pool. It threatened rain which came to nothing. Ended up in the pool till way after 6 chatting to the well travelled US couple..

Then I booked a massage and manicure for tomorrow am, dinner at Tandjung Sari tomorrow night and finally had a great my eal (fish) in the steak restaurant. The owner was very chatty.

I woke during the night and dealt with updates from T about J, the news is very bad, and from #3 son, who was just annoying but I tried not to show my annoyance..

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